Classes Offered
FITMOM 2B Ottawa
Prenatal fitness classes designed to help you stay fit and strong for a healthy pregnancy.
FITMOM and baby class
Indoor postnatal exercise classes for moms who want to workout with their babies. Your baby will love snuggling with you while you wear him in your baby carrier and you will love the extra resistance that wearing your baby will provide!
FITMOM Stroller Strength
Outdoor postnatal exercise classes for moms who want to workout with their babies. Your baby will love being on the move in her stroller, but she’ll still get a little snuggle time near the end of class, when she helps us with our core exercises.
Postnatal exercise classes for moms who have returned to work or want to workout without babies, where you get a full hour to focus on something for you!
For a list of locations click HERE. FITMOM offers a free trial class to any mom who would like to try out my classes before committing to a full session. As well twice a year, they hold an Open House, where all the classes are free for a week. Please inquire about the free trials.
$120 + HST 8 Classes Expires 12 weeks after first class (not including holidays)
Our pricing policy takes into consideration that FITMOMs lead busy lives and may not always be able to make it to their regular class.
- You can register at any time and choose your start date
- You can come to any class/location offered during the 12 week time period you’ve purchased
- You can renew once you’ve completed all of your classes or at the end of 12 weeks, whichever is earlier
- If your regularly scheduled class falls on a Statutory holiday, your time period will be extended by one week
- If you miss a class, you can attend another FITMOM Ottawa class (any class, any location) at any time before your expiry date. (with notification)
Take a peek at the website:
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