Just because the kids are out for March Break, doesn't mean the learning has to stop! My Toy Shop has all the supplies and toys your need to keep your kids entertained ALL week ( they may even learn a thing or 2... shhh we won't tell!!)
For the science lovers they have Elenco Snap Circuits that you can even even plug in an ipod/iphone and have the lights flash to the beat of your music or build a motion detector, building your own volcano that will erupt, or building solar powered robots.Check out all the dinorsaurselp them learn about them. Why not try some cool experiments with magnifying glasses, inspect the snow, see if can find some leaves or bugs, or try out a vacuum or and learn about the ever changing weather with activity sets.
If your little ones are interested in engineering ,they have building kits for robotics, aircraft, and vehicles, Play with trucks or trains, or learn some physics by having kids build the track all through the house.
Problem solve with science kits and paper plane making, stomp rockets, the game Jenga or even with a Pogo Stick!
For a quieter activity check out the puzzles and brain teasers for kids that love a new challenging. How about building with blocks help them to be creative, learn about sizes, test out balance, increase motor skills, and is a great social activity.
Have an artist at home? Create a mural with chalk or use it to build an obstacle course for their bikes or scooters. Even playing with any dolls including groovy girls can inspire a young designer and so they have fashion stencils to create and colour any outfits! They even have a large pretend kitchen play set with all different foods that could inspire a young chef to join their parents in the kitchen so we have aprons for them. Want to get your hands dirty? Make your own soaps or grow your own crystals.
For the young kids practice your letters with different animal colouring pages, try colour by numbers or make a game with magnetic letters have kids spell out their favourite foods, colours, or anything you can think of!
For babies any new colour or texture or sound is helping them in their development and they have a wide variety of toys that give them just that. Even playing with puppets will promote verbal skills.
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